The step-by-step business and leadership development program to help you elevate your visibility, attract new business, and make an impact as an expert in your field.

You're great at what you do, and you know should "get out there" more.

You've seen others in your industry making waves, getting recognized as thought leaders, and securing exciting opportunities.

Deep down, you know you have the expertise and insights to join them at the forefront of your field.

But between juggling your current workload, managing projects, and keeping up with deadlines, the thought of adding "visibility work" to your already packed schedule feels overwhelming.

You've tried to carve out time for networking events, updating your social media profiles, or maybe even dabbling in public speaking.

However, these efforts often fall short because they're sporadic, inconsistent, and lack a cohesive strategy.

And each attempt feels like just another item on your never-ending to-do list, quickly pushed aside by more urgent priorities.

As a result, you find yourself stuck in a frustrating cycle—knowing you should be doing more to raise your profile, but struggling to find the time and energy to make it happen.

Many senior-level professionals encounter the visibility dilemma.

It's tough balancing day-to-day responsibilities with the neverending visibility to-do list.

But here's the truth:

Prioritizing your visibility isn't just about "getting your name out there"—it's about unlocking new opportunities, attracting clients or employers, and positioning yourself as a trusted authority in your field.

If you're tired of knowing you should be out there more but constantly batting against the clock, it's time for a proven process to help you bring in more business and make an impact in your field inside of...


The step-by-step business and leadership development program to help you elevate your visibility, attract new business, and make an impact as an expert in your field

Perfect for:

Experienced Professionals

Current and Emerging Executives


Newly Promoted Leaders

Career Changers

Business Owners


  • Unlock awareness of your thought leadership style and unique strengths, empowering you to share your expertise authentically and sustainably.
  • Gain clarity on your personal brand and unique value proposition, so you can confidently articulate your expertise to others.
  • Have a simple and doable strategic visibility plan tailored to your goals and schedule, making it easier to prioritize and implement.
  • Master time-saving techniques and productivity hacks specifically designed for busy professionals, allowing you to maximize your impact without sacrificing your sanity.
  • Build a powerful network of industry peers and influencers, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations.
  • Elevate your online presence through targeted content creation and social media strategies, positioning yourself as a thought leader in your field.
  • Become sought after for career and business opportunities instead of constantly chasing them.
  • Overcome imposter complex and self-limiting beliefs, unleashing your full potential and confidence as a leader.
  • Receive ongoing support and accountability from a community of like-minded professionals, ensuring you stay on track and motivated to achieve your visibility goals.

What Clients Are Saying

"When I joined Own Your Expertise®, I was seeking practical ways to transition from the full-time practice of law for 16 years to launching a personal brand and urban wellness product line.

Through this program, I gained the confidence that I will be just as successful in this new business, just as I have been in the past – except my work will be more authentic, purpose-driven, and on terms that serve my needs and the quality of life that I desire. Own Your Expertise® was organized, clear, and offered a supportive environment.

I’ve relaunched my law firm, launched my new business, and I made more changes in those 6 months than I had in the last 10 years."


Attorney and Founder and CEO of Flawed Masterpiece®

"I decided to take the leap because it was finally time to take action towards building a new life and career. I have a lot of expertise and needed help channeling my skills and experience. I knew I wanted to consult but needed help and guidance to do it on my own terms in a way that serves my clients.

Just being part of Own Your Expertise®, I’ve already gotten 3 speaking engagements, secured 12 clients on a waitlist for my services, and made a clear, valuable decision on who I do and don’t work with.”


Pharmacist & Wellness Coach

“I decided to join Own Your Expertise® once I had the realization that networking alone was not powerful and dynamic enough to attract new business engagements. The prevalent models of thought leadership and business development weren’t authentic and required a lot of work and dedication.

Titilayo has deep expertise and practical approaches to support smart professionals in sharing and leveraging their best work to propel their businesses forward. She helped confirm that my ideas have merit and showed me that there are ways to authentically and easily share them. She provided new tools, knowledge, and structure to do this work, and just doing the client insight interviews brought in a client.”

Management, Fundraising, and Operations Consultant

Former nonprofit Executive Director, CFO, and COO

"Own Your Expertise® was a great resource to support clarity and help focus energy in areas increasing effectiveness and growth. Over the course of my participation in the program I achieved clarity, landed two new clients and doubled my revenue. I am now hiring part-time support because one client decided to double their commitment for the duration of our contract."


Nonprofit and corporate consultant

“I decided to join Own Your Expertise® because my purpose made it viscerally uncomfortable to continue playing small. After working with Titilayo to develop my speaking offers, my first speaking engagement was at Yale Law School and my online content garnered an invitation to keynote at the U.S. Department of Commerce. I've already made six figures in my second venture and am continuing to scale my social impact significantly.”


Founder, Firm for the Culture®



Lifetime Access to the Own Your Expertise® Curriculum (Virtual and Accessible Anywhere)

Designed with busy professionals in mind, the program includes bite-sized, step-by-step trainings, released week by week, on how to clarify and communicate your expertise, from start to finish.

3 Monthly Coaching Calls

Once a month, we will have live online coaching calls where you can get all of your questions answered in a group setting. Bring your questions and obstacles, and we will discuss your visibility strategy, bio, speaking topics, fears and mindset challenges and any program-related questions.

Personalized Feedback and Support

Submit your work-in-progress personal brand assets, bio, speaking topics, media pitches, and more in our private Slack group and receive personalized feedback within 24 hours.

Our Full Library of Templates, Checklists and Worksheets

As you progress through the program, you'll receive templates, checklists, scripts and tutorials for everything to help you implement faster. This includes access to spreadsheets for conducting audience and media research, developing your speaking topics, pitching outlets, polishing your online presence, and more.

Access to the Private Own Your Expertise® Community

Engage with other participants inside of our private community area, and surround yourself with likeminded professionals ready to take their thought leadership to the next level. Ask questions, make connections, get support and see what's working for others as they step out as more visible leaders in their fields.

Hi, I'm Titilayo.

pronounced tee-tee-lie-o

As the creator of the Own Your Expertise® program, I bring over two decades of experience across diverse roles—as an attorney, executive, and former communications consultant—to empower professionals like you to become visible and impactful thought leaders in your fields.

My journey began with the launch of my own communications firm straight out of college, where I honed my skills in crafting compelling narratives and fostering meaningful connections.

Transitioning into the legal field, I leveraged my communications background to navigate complex legal and policy landscapes, serving as a frequent speaker and media source for publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The Hill, and my insights have also garnered recognition on platforms including CNN, NPR, and NBC.

Along the way, I recognized a crucial knowledge gap that many professionals following traditional paths often overlook. Having started in communications, I understood the power of visibility. I also observed that many programs merely scratch the surface with external skills, neglecting the mindset work that can hinder progress. Motivated by a desire to bridge this gap, Own Your Expertise® was born.

My mission is fueled by the belief that diverse voices and experiences enrich our companies and communities, fostering innovation and progress for all. I'm passionate about empowering individuals like you to step into your brilliance, unlock your potential, and make a lasting impact. I invite you to join me on this transformative journey to helping you own your expertise.


I bring to this work . . .

  • 20+ years of professional experience across the public, private and philanthropic sectors including communications consulting helping leaders become go-to experts in their fields.
  • 8+ years of legal experience practicing business and employment law for startups and Fortune 100 companies.
  • Publishing experience as co-author of two graduate-level textbooks and research cited in 100+ scholarly journals.
  • 10+ years of private coaching, keynotes, and workshop facilitation with past audiences including King & Spalding, Square, BumbleBizz, Ms. JD, Patrice Washington's Redefining Wealth community, and more.
  • Degrees from UC Berkeley School of Law (J.D.), Columbia University (M.A.), and Spelman College (B.A. with honors).
  • Recognition for my professional work in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Dallas Morning News, National Public Radio, and more.
  • Personal and deep appreciation for career and life alignment as a wife and mom of twin boys

Our Guarantee

Take 30 days to work your way through the program and start implementing the step-by-step plan. If after 30 days you feel this program is not a good fit for your needs, simply email us at for a full refund.

Own Your Expertise® includes:

8 Step-by-Step Instructional Modules

Part 1 Foundations of Owning Your Expertise

Module 1: Understanding the Concept of Owning Your Expertise

Module 2: Clarifying Your Personal Brand

Module 3: Developing Your Personalized Plan

Part 2 Internal Mastery: Leading from Within and Embracing Visibility

Module 4: Overcoming Visibility Challenges

Module 5: Adopting a Leadership Mindset

Part 3 External Impact: Amplifying Influence and Making a Difference

Module 6: Thought Leadership Development

Module 7: Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations

Module 8: Impact Measurement and Optimization

Bonus Module: Leveraging ChatGPT for Thought Leadership

3 Monthly Coaching Calls

3 Months of Personalized Feedback and Support

Our Full Library of Templates, Checklists, and Worksheets

3 Months of Access to the Private Own Your Expertise® Community

Full Year of Access to the Own Your Expertise® Curriculum

Program Registration

Choose the payment option that works best for you.





Sign up to join us inside the Own Your Expertise® program when registration for our next session opens in fall 2024.

The next session of the Own Your Expertise® program will open for registration in fall 2024. Sign up below to get advance information and early bird discounts.